Stocking 26 gallon bow


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I'm getting ready to switch from plastic plants to live and don't know how many fish I can safely keep in my tank. I know a lot of people don't agree with the one inch per gallon rule so I thought I'd ask for some help. I currently have 4 eleganz cory cats in my tank, and I would like to get some dwarf gourami's and tetras (lemon, blue, flame). I had 2 dwarf gourami's and the one terrorized the other, so how many is enough to keep the peace? I know it depends on the individual fish's temperament, but would it be better to get three than two? If so, how many tetras could I safely keep with 4 eleganz cory cats and 3 dwarf gouramis??? Ideally I would love to have all three kinds, but I know they are schooling fish so I want at least 6 of each. I do a 1/4 water change once a week and I've never had any problems with my tank. Also, the tank would be filled with dwarf hairgrass, dwarf anubias and ambulia, as well as rocks and driftwood. Any suggestions???


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Personally...I think with a mix of fish you want, I'd only get one gourami. With their tempraments you might end up getting two nice ones and a mean one...or two mean ones and a nice one...the chances of getting all three that are docile and nice to each other is pretty slim ya know? If you went for the gouramis I'd only pick one type of tetra. If you got one gourami I think I'd opt for two schools of tetras and pick the two you'd rather have. You dont have an algae eater in the you might want to leave some room for one in the future? thats my .02 :)

Where are the platies going? and I'm assuming you're going to keep the one gourami in there?


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
If I decide to go with the tetras then my platies are going to go to my brother, who inherited my 10gal and wants livebearers. I really like my platies though so I haven't decided whether I want to get the tetras or not, the problem is that my platies aren't very friendly. I purchased a couple of guppies at the same time as the platies and two died and one went missing and I have yet to find it. I don't know what I could put in with my platies that they wouldn't bother. I thought about some different colored platies but I don't know. It's tough stocking a tank :confused:


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I've been debating on whether I want gourami's or not, because they are territorial and I would like to have 2 or 3. I've been looking up angelfish but can't seem to find too much info and the profiles here are down. Most of the angels that I saw get up to 6", are there any around 3"??? Also, can I get 2 or 3 of them, or would it be best to just stick with one? I'm just afraid that if I get 3 and 2 pair off then they would make the other miserable. I've always really liked angels, but I didn't know if my tank was tall enough to house them, it's about 28-30" tall. Also, anyone have the link to the old profiles????