stocking 55 gallon tank

May 22, 2013
Hello I am about to stock my 55 gallon aquarium but I am stumped. Im wanting a solo main fish decent sized to be the center of the tank and can't come up with any ideas. After i figure out what its gonna be i plan to add a school or two of compatible fish depending on what i choose and yes I do know they'll need to be similar sized bigger than the biggest fishes mouth. What do you think? And it'd be great if you could let me know some compatible fish with whatever you list too


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
An angel or larger gourami would be a good centerpiece fish.

Either way, good schools of community fish would be things like tetras, smaller rainbows (personally I love dwarf praecox rainbows), danios, cories for the bottom - I'm sure there are lots of others.

It is a good idea to check out your local stores to see what appeals to you, and what you may want to base the tank around. And/or, you could check out sites like or a book of fish to see what piques your interest.

May 22, 2013
It's 208 liters and it's freshwater. Tropical. I do like the angelfish and gourmai ideas. Those are very neat fish. What kinds of those species are the larger types. Also which types are colorful? I want it to really stand out to the rest of the tank. Thank you guys! Also would it make a difference if I got a male or female?


Small Fish
Apr 10, 2013
Three spot and opoline gouramis both get to be around six inches I like the opoline my self the have more color to them


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Pearl gouramis are very cool looking fish as well. The males get a bit more color to them. They grow quite large and and are generally very good-natured gouramis. I've got a very much growing female pearl gourami in my 29g. It's my favorite fish in that tank.

Angels can grow saucer sized or larger. They're ideal for a 55g. I've got a small, but growing Koi angle fish in my 55g.

Which ever route you go, IMO, I'd go with a single angel or a single gourami. They can be compatible, but it depends on the specific fish's nature, how the tank is setup, amount of room, etc...