I've got a 10 gallon I've had up since August. Ammonia and nitrites are consistently 0ppm, nitrates stay around 10ppm. There's a few spikes of straight vallisneria and some hornwort. My adult mystery snail died a day or two ago, so the only occupants are some extremely tiny baby snails. They're the size of this o, and I have between four and a dozen. I've got a heater and I'm keeping the tank right around 72F, but I'm open to change. In fact, if the baby snails become food, I'm fine with that, too.
I'd like to put something else in the tank. I was thinking a single betta would be ideal, as far as it not needing a companion and doing well in the small tank. Are there other fish that do well singly or in small groups? I loved my goldfish, but are there any varieties that can live in a 10gal? I'd like something fairly hardy. I'm on a tight budget, so nothing particularly exotic or expensive.
Also, any advice on transporting fish via car for a four hour drive in the fall? I've got coolers, hand warmers, and there's even a 120v outlet in the car so I could plug in my spare heater and fill the cooler with water to float the bag.
I'd like to put something else in the tank. I was thinking a single betta would be ideal, as far as it not needing a companion and doing well in the small tank. Are there other fish that do well singly or in small groups? I loved my goldfish, but are there any varieties that can live in a 10gal? I'd like something fairly hardy. I'm on a tight budget, so nothing particularly exotic or expensive.
Also, any advice on transporting fish via car for a four hour drive in the fall? I've got coolers, hand warmers, and there's even a 120v outlet in the car so I could plug in my spare heater and fill the cooler with water to float the bag.