Hello everyone,
I recently bought a 10 gallon that im beginning my hobby again with. I put a big sword and a leafy plant (i dont know the names because I had my girlfriend pick them). Its lit well and has a whisper powerhead filter. I cant seem to get the levels right but...moving on.
Anyway, I am trying to think of what I want in it. I want to make it have a natural look, lots of plants and fish swimming among them. I want livebearers (at least one pair), and i want to be able to have some of my fish breed too, even the egglayers.
Anyway, suggestions wanted. Ive had two guppies die when i just started the tank so its restarted. Right now I have a single Sarpae Tetra and a Zebra Danio Tetra in it.
I recently bought a 10 gallon that im beginning my hobby again with. I put a big sword and a leafy plant (i dont know the names because I had my girlfriend pick them). Its lit well and has a whisper powerhead filter. I cant seem to get the levels right but...moving on.
Anyway, I am trying to think of what I want in it. I want to make it have a natural look, lots of plants and fish swimming among them. I want livebearers (at least one pair), and i want to be able to have some of my fish breed too, even the egglayers.
Anyway, suggestions wanted. Ive had two guppies die when i just started the tank so its restarted. Right now I have a single Sarpae Tetra and a Zebra Danio Tetra in it.