Stocking a 10 Gallon?

Jul 18, 2011
Right now my 10 gallon tank contains 3 neon tetras, 2 flame tetras, 1 cory cat, and 1 black neon tetra.
I have 2 filters, 1 is a whisper 10i and the other is an aquaclear 20 with bio, chem, and mech filtration.
I also have a 15 gallon air pump and a bubble bar, so the tank has plenty of oxygen. My tank has an anubias nana, a narrow leaf java fern, and some other plant that petco didn't put on the package.

So, I am thinking of getting 2 more neons because the 3 must be pretty lonely. Is this a good idea? If not, I'm open to suggestions. :)

And please, no criticism. Thank you.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I think you have enough filtration that you could add a couple more tetra's to even out your numbers.
I also inputted your information into aqadvisor and it looks pretty good. If you add 2 more flame tetras, 1 more neon tetra and 3 more black neon tetras, you would only be slightly over stocked. Which isn't a big deal if you maintain good water quality (water changes) in your tank and monitor your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate).

I think you neon tetras are less lonely than your black neon or flame tetras. They are schooling fish and enjoy being in larger groups 3+.
That is my suggestion.....I dunno what others think????


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
agree with above...i would not add anymore fish to the tank. as is you should concentrate on ONE shoaling/schooling fish when you have such a small tank. they need a population of 5min to feel comfortable so you may end up with some stressed tetras and the cory as well as they like to be in groups also :) hope it was helpful


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
have you already gotten the emeralds? more cories would be the last on my list.. IME, cories do OK On their own. You really gotta focus on the tetras. The neon tetras are ok for now, and the flame tetras could do with one more in their shoal. The black neon definetly needs another buddy, preferably 2. With that- 3 of each tetras plus one cory, you are a bit overstocked. Not too bad though....
Have you checked ? It's very helpful, but not written in stone.
Good luck!

May 4, 2011
I think cories prefer their own species i.e. species of cory cats. I heard that cory species don't mix school, so adding peppered for an emerald they might not school, just what I have been told. A lot of people seem to think tetras need more friends, I have no experience with tetras.

Jul 18, 2011
Well, I'm getting at LEAST a 29 gallon later, maybe for Christmas or something. So, I'm definitely getting some more neon tetras, flame tetras and peppered cories, but most of my fish are mid to bottom swimmers, and I would like top swimmers too. Any suggestions? I'm afraid hatchetfish will jump out of the tank :eek:


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
yeah I see lots of posters overstocking and buying unsuitable fish and telling us that they "plan to upgrade at XYZ time" most don't make the jump to the larger tank. I would say you should always stock for what you have NOW and add new/more fish when you actually HAVE the larger tank up and running.

The exception here are the advanced fish keepers who have larger tanks dry hanging out waiting for big enough fish... I mean tossing a juvi oscar into a 29g is fine if you have a 125 dry in the basement... You don't need a 6' tank for a 2" fish, but if you don't already own the 6' tank then the 2" fish is a bad purchase.