Stocking a 10gal.

Dec 20, 2009
I was thinking about getting a 10gal. tank for my bedroom. I wanted to make it a full Cory tank. So I went to and found I have enough room in a 10gal for...

x2 Bandit Cory
x2 Black Cory
x2 Venezuelan Pygmy Cory
x2 Sterbai Cory

But it says I can't have them because I need at least 4 of each. Will that matter? Because theres going to be 8 all together. Also I really like algae eaters and the only one that the web site said I could have is an apple snail, I would rather a fish than a snail. is there any I could get for it? I'm willing to sacrafice some of the Cory to get one.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Different colored cories will school together, so as long as you have at least four (regardless of color combination) you'll be fine.

As far as algae eaters go, there really aren't any I'd recommend for a 10gal tank. A 10gal is even on the small side for otos (since you need three or more of them for them to feel safe, plus you'd need to make sure they have a constant, established source of algae).

Dec 20, 2009
Oh man I feel stupid. I forgot about otos. I went back to Aqadvisor and took out 3 corys and added 3 otos. and it says its all good, good filtration, stocking is only at 97%.

So how does 2 Bandit Corys, 2 Black Corys, 1 Venezuelan Pygmy Cory, and 3 otos sound?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Don't forget that otos need pristine water and PLENTY of food (aka established algae) or they'll starve to death. I have four right now and none of them will touch algae wafers at all. I've heard people supplementing their diet with zuccini, but I've never tried it myself. Not trying to discourage you, just want you to know what you're getting into with otos. I personally wouldn't put any in a 10gal (unless you're prepared to dedicate at least one of the walls of the tank to diatoms and green algae), but it's totally up to you.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I know exactly what you mean. I have two otos in my Hex5 because I had some crazy diatoms going on in there. In one day they have taken care of 80% of the algae that was in there, including the stuff on my plants and rocks. Once they've taken care of all of it, at least one of them (maybe both) are going back into the 29gal to help out with the bit of algae in there (mainly diatoms...having a hard time getting the feeding right with the crazy fish I have in there).

Mar 3, 2010
B.I washington
i had two otos and at the time i didnt have much of an algae problem, they just sat there sucking on the leafy plant in the corner. i really didnt know what i was doing when i had those fish, i think you should only get otos if you have a nice steady supply of algae, or if you can supplement it with zucchini like you guys were talking about
cory's are a really hardy fish i think once there schooled and settled.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I loved my golden apple snail! I saw them sold at a different LFS looking very small, pale and brownish looking, but the place I bought mine from had gorgeous snails, and still do! Mine was about 3/4" wide, bright yellow colour, and very busy, cruising all around the tank, and super interesting to watch. I think that he died because I didn't have enough algae for him plus the otos I had at the same time; I supplemented with veggies but probably not enough :(