stocking a 120 gallon


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
well my ammonia is just now getting to the point of under .5 ppm im suspecting it will be ready for a clean up crew this weekend *thumbsups

so now is time to look at what fish can be put in it... it will be a reef set up so it will have zoa's, LPS and a few SPS and mushrooms

so with that being said what do you all recommend?

these are what i would like to put in

1 of each of the fallowing

false perc(already got em in my nano)
hippo/blue/regal tang
yellow tang
powder blue tang(i would really love to have one of these but i am on the edge about them)
maroon clown
royal gamma basslet
foxface lo
tail spot blenny
diamond watchmen goby w/pistol shrimp (i have about 3" of sand bed is that enough for the shrimp?)

also i would like to add a flame angle and coral beauty, how un reefsafe are they?

i would like to add a few cleaner shimp as well so far i am thinking a blood shrimp, banded coral, skunk, and my peppermint

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Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
I've been looking into a dwarf angel myself and the consensus seems to be that you are taking risks with all dwarf angels because they are never guaranteed to be reef safe. One of my lfs told me that the coral beauty and midnight angel are less likely to eat, but that flames and true lemonpeels are more prone to it...quite a few ppl on here have flames and coral beauties...hopefully they post in here about their experiences as I would like to know as well!


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Dwarf angels from the argi complex (argi, acanthops, resplendens) are pretty 100% safe, as are flavicauda /fisheri (one species now). Coral beauty complex ones (bispinosa, flavipectoralis and multispinosa) are also pretty good. Vrolikii, eiblii and tibicens can often be bad, as can the flavicauda/bicolor/heraldi complex.
All the others are somewhere between these extremes, and there simply isn't much experience orund the ultra pricey deep water species.

As far as the oringal list, be aware this is only 120 gallons, and I would be shy of having any other tangs in there with a powder blue (mean), and the hippo will get big anyway. Regard the foxface as another tang, the tangs will anyway. A maroon clown will beat the heck out of your common clowns - stick to only one pair of clowns in there.


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
i dont want pairs of clowns just two single clowns(one perc and one maroon)

yeah i think i am gona drop the powder blue... i havnt read enough good things about this fish to risk it