Stocking A 29 Gallon


New Fish
Jul 13, 2010
Well I know I just posted a request for info on a 55 gallon, but after reviewing a lot of info I've decided I don't have the $ for that! I've decided to go with a 29 gallon for now, and just have a biowheel along with a powerhead or two, and a low-end skimmer. This isn't a long-term or permanent set-up, but it's gonna be months before I can get the cash to get the 55 up and running, and I really want to break into the hobby ASAP! lol

So all I need to know is how best to stock the tank? I'm looking at a filter/light fixture that could run two 24" T8s, would those be powerful enough in that small aquarium for some corals? Nothing tough, but some hardier species? What could I stock fish/invertabrae-wise? Thanks guys!


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
I think the lighting and filters you chose would be okay for mushrooms, a couple zoas and maybe xenia. however, I would get a 4 bulb t5 fixture, which would be much better for the previously mentioned corals and would allow you to keep some other softies, like maybe a kenya tree or another tree coral of some sort.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Yea get rid of the biowheel as TRe said, your main filters in SW will be your live rock.. If you don't know allready you want at least 1 lb. per gallon of water , I would shoot for 1.5-2 lbs personally.. It's only a 29g so it won't be too expensive.. I had a 29 a few years ago and I ran 2 x 175 watt mh on it.. It was over kill for sure but I could keep anything I wanted! You can always raise the lights higher.. You should be able to find those light pretty cheap.. You won't be able to keep that many fish in the 29 b/c of the size ..