stocking a 29G


Medium Fish
Nov 28, 2005
Brussels, Belgium
So, i found a shop which will take my two bala's back and take care of em. This leaves me with 3 gold barbs, 4 clown loaches and 2 siamese algae eaters.

can i fit anything else in a 29G? It seems a bit empty with just the above fish. I was thinking of 5 neons and maybe some other fish the same size as the barbs.

my first priority though is not overstocking (loaches get big), so id like to hear what you all have to say about that


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
A 29 gallon really isn't big enough for the loaches, will the shop take them too? I've seen some that were 12" long and 6" wide, so your best bet would be to take them back now. If you can get rid of the loaches then you could definitely add more barbs, neons, etc. I would suggest getting a few more barbs (3-5), and getting another school of small fish, say 6-8 of them. You could also get a few cory cats for the bottom, and one larger showcase fish, if you want one. Gourami's and male bettas make nice showcase fish, but you can't have them both because they will fight. You also have to find a laid-back betta :D