Stocking a 35g Community tank!?!??!

Jun 11, 2010
Hey Im stocking a 35 gallon community tank and I was wondering what i Should put in it! I know I want to get some Danios Tetras Rasboras Catfish and some loaches and mabye some other stuff but not sure what to get! Right now I have 5 lyretail mollies help!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
That should be an okay mix, and must look great in your tank! Ideally you might want to increase the number of catfish and tetras, but not necessary right now.
I'm assuming that you added all these new fish today? You might get a spike in ammonia. It would be a good idea for you to test your water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate daily to ensure that your water parameters can keep up, and you should know that you may have to increase your water changes. Do you have a good liquid test kit?