stocking a 40 gallon


Small Fish
Mar 5, 2003
columbus, ohio
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i have an acrylic 40 gallon tank with an eheim ecco 2235
and a gravity fed trickle filter that i had sitting around and that i have to use since the tank used to be a small reef tank and the bottom was drilled just for a trickle filter. my goal is to have a community tank with small schooling fish,mostly tetras. i also want to throw in a few apistos as well. my question is how many fish could i put in this tank. i already have 3 pristilla tetras and one emperor tetra and a large goldfish(long story there). my local lfs said that for the size of the fish i want i could have 30-35 fish does this sound right. with the goldfish in there i would reduce that number quite a bit i think. heres the list of fish i would like to get.

4-6 congo tetras
4-6eon tetras
6 more pristilla tetras
3 male apistos probably cocotouides
2 small cories

also how many at a time could i add

thanks for your info


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Basingstoke, hants , UK
i would add them as written in those groups i would go
6 congo Tetras and 6 neons first = small and would be best added first so they can get a teratory and settle!
then the 6 Pristilla

and then the rest! - not sure about the time between say a week between! ?