Stocking a 50 gal. please help


Small Fish
Aug 24, 2008
Clarion, Pennsylvania
Hello, Im going to buy a 50 gallon tank soon and I already have a couple tanks but there smaller and have just basic tertas and danios. Anyway I want to put something a bit more exiting in it like sharks or something. I would like to put at least 10 fish in it so I dont want anything that gets too big and I also want to put a shrimp in there but I dint know how they will all react. So I was just wondering what fish would be good and if a shrimp could go in there also. Thanks

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Most fish will be okay with adult sized shrimp but I wouldn't count on those shrimp's babies to survive. Also don't put in fish that can fit a shrimp in its mouth, just like you wouldnt put a big fish ion a tank with a fish that it can eat unless you want it to. Also fish that eat crustaceans like loaches or puffers wont work real well with most shrimp. I have a bamboo shrimp in my tank ( ) and he's pretty safe with my fish stocking cause hes about as big as the biggest fish. Getting ten fish in a 50 is no problem, it just depends on what you absolutely want and then you can add other fish that are compatible and will also look good.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
I fear the Jack Dempsey would severely limit the numbers of fish you could place in 46 gal. The photo is of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. I currently keep one in an 80 gal with a six inch Synodontis Multipunctatus. Bout the only thing he will tolerate.