Stocking a 66 Gallon


Medium Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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I think I will be getting a 66 gallon tank (48x16x20), but I'm not really sure what to stock it with. I have a few options in mind and was wondering which would be best. If you have anything to add or take out from each suggestion let me know.

1) 1 Green Terror, 1 Jack Dempsey, 1 Convict+ a school of Silver Dollars or Rosie Barbs
2) Oscar Tank (would 2 be ok, or should I stick with 1), if I can only get one then I might add a couple Blue Acaras.
3) Oscar, Green Terror
4) Single Jag
5) Single Midas/Red Devil

What would be the best choice. If you have any suggestion to my list please tell me, or if you have another option please let me know. Thanks in advance!