Stocking advice

Feb 1, 2004
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I got a 78 gallon tank, which had fish in when i bought it. I also added the fish out of my old tank, after removing a few and a bit of sorting i now have a 10 inch pleco, 6 albino tiger barbs, 10ish danios, 1 firemouth cichlid, 2 cave tetras, 6 tetras and a red-finned shark. I had two but found a new home for the aggresive one the one i have is quite peaceful. Everybody in the tank seems happy and all have full finage. From my reckoning its only about half stock or there abouts, im thinking of an angel and a gourami, but what else? i dont whant to upset things as i had a bit of trouble when everybody got together but now everything settled, also i live in the uk so some exotic fish may be difficult to get. Any advice welcome, thanks.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I'd say you're over half-stocked at the moment---especially with that 10" pleco in there. And the main concern isn't so much compatibility here as it is bioload. The combination of fish you have, assuming the "6 tetras" you listed aren't tiny/fragile specimens, should get along fairly well. However, I'm willing to bet that it takes a decent-sized weekly water change to keep nitrAtes below 20 PPM, right? Take the pleco out of the equation, and you'd have lots of room to work with as far as bioload goes.

Granted, there's nothing stopping you from adding more compatible fish just so long as you're honest with yourself about willing to put forth the effort needed (i.e. water changes) to keep nitrAtes down.

What is your overall goal with this setup?
It's clear that you have what amounts to a 'semi-aggressive' tank, but do you have any set objectives going beyond that? For instance, would you like to have a centerpiece fish, or would you prefer a hodge-podge of various compatible tankmates that fall under the 'semi-aggressive' category? Do you intend to have any breeding fish in there?

That being said, I would not consider an angelfish to be a compatible selection to add to that tank. Much too delicate; particularly with their long flowing finnage. Gouramies wouldn't be a bad idea at all---a pair (M,F) from the three-spot family would be the most I'd add.