Stocking Check for 30g

Jun 29, 2008
Greetings All- With all my tanks, my mom has been bitten by the SW 'bug'. I purchased and setup a 30g tank for her. she has about 60 lbs of live rock and 20lbs of live sand. the tank is done cycling and has the CUC inside for about 10 days (3 peppermint shrimp, dozen hermit crabs)

i had my mom do some research on fish she wanted and this is her prelimiary list. she would like an anemone in the future but I advised that first we look at fish before going into an anemone and fancy lighting.

1. (2) false percs
2. 1 Blue Damsel (Chrysiptera cyanea)
3. Neon Goby
4. Forktail
5. Diadem Dottyback.

I think there might be aggression issues with the damsel, forktail and dottyback. so please help! my mom is looking for active fish that will eventually work well in a reef tank!



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I agree the damsel, forktail and dottyback are all aggressive fish and coupled with the clowns spells a very potent mix. Active fish for that size tank may I suggest the following

1. Pygmy Angel (nice blue like the damsel)
2. Royal Gramma Basslet (purple and yellow)
3. Bangaii Cardinal
4. Midas Blenny
5. Bi-color Blenny
6. Citron Goby
7. Watchman Gobie/Pistol Shrimp pair

Any of these would be active community fish


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
She would love the Midas Blenny, my wife loves the one I got in our tank. He sits in a hole in the LR and watches everything and comes out and swims around abit then backs into his hole. They look cool when they swim, sort of like a snake.