Stocking For 20 Gallon

Dec 26, 2008
I think this is way over the limit but I thought I would try anyways.

1 Gold Gourami
1 Dwarf Gouramis
1 Bristlenose Pleco
2 Upside-down Catfish
3-4 Cherry Barb
4-5 Neons

I have two filters and plenty of plants and caves for hiding and such. Think I could pull it off? The tank does not have the fish in it yet. If this set-up is not good, do you all have any suggestions. Thanks.

BTW: Sorry I am posting so much. Just trying to make my fish happy.

Sep 15, 2008
Chicago, IL
Yeah too many fish. Don't mix Gourami's, I did, and I had to buy another tank because of it. Also yes the BN Pleco is too big. I was just at Petco and I saw a BN that was about 6in. I asked them what was up with it, they've never had them. Guy said that someone just gave it to them because it got too big.

I have a 20g long and I have 14 tetra's with a redtail, and a gourami. Maybe you should just take out the redtail and leave a school of 14 tetras with gourami?


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
just going to go along with the crowd and say only 1 gourami, do a google search of gold gourami and you will find numerous sites about their aggressive behavior towards other gouramis appearantley they are territorial towards male and females of other gourami species.

Bottom line 2 gouramis unless same species and oppisite sex should not be kept together IMO.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I tend to stray from the stocking rules, but a warning on the guppies..if you get females you WILL (99.99999999% chance) have fry. I havent had any of the others you mention so I cant really say but from what I have read here and on other websites the barbs should be kept in groups of atleast 5, which would take up 10G's worth of tank, the DG another 3 to 4G's the BN about 8G i think, so using the 1in to 1G rule you are overstocked without the guppies or catfish, but since I tend to go against the grain and experiment I say you would be fine as long as you monitor water parameters, over filter, and keep up with water changes.

My first tank was a 20g tall:

3 Swordtails
2 Peppered Cories
2 Ghost Shrimp
4 Black Neon Tetras
2 Otos

Something like that...

I'd definitely get some otos; they would do the work the pleco would do, but they are cuter and smaller. Also, personally, I would just get a school of one kind of fish, not two. Schools look much nicer if they're bigger. :)