Stocking for 3 tanks

May 12, 2014
I would like input onto whether or not these stocking lists will work or not, but I did try to keep the levels of the tank balance in all of these. I will only be including the substrate, but there will be 7-10x capacity filtration on these. As well as adequate heaters, correct plants (would also like some suggestions on this front). And of course Hideyholes for the more skittish ones.

20 Gallon Planted Tank (gravel substrate)

2x Dwarf Gouramis (1m 1f)
6x Black and White Skirt tetras
1x Albino bristlenose pleco
1x kribensis
1x bumblebee catfish

29 Gallon Planted Tank (sand substrate)

3x Zebra Loach (looked and read that a group of 3 should be fine)
1x african butterfly fish
6x Mixed color Corycats
2x Cockatoo Apistogramma (1m, 1f)
1x pearl gourami (heard they are very docile but are big enough that going to the surface with an ABF that they shouldn't be bothered)

55 Gallon Planted Tank (can't decide between sand or gravel, maybe half of each? This is my Living room tank that EVERYONE who comes over will see. So keep that in mind with substrate.. XD)

3x Swordtails (1m 2f)
1x rainbow Shark
1x Bamboo Shrimp or Viper Shrimp
2x Golden Wonder Killifish
1x Albino Bristlenose Pleco
1x Bristlenose Pleco (I heard having 2 in a 55 gallon wasn't a bad idea, but if you think it is let me know, and this guy won't be bought)
2x German Blue Rams (1m 1f)
6x Columbian Tetras
6x guppies (ALL male, unless you think I could feed the fry to the ABF or would the Killi take care of any free swimming fry?)
6x Apple Snail, Mystery Snail, Malaysian Trumpet Snail, or Nerite Snails (which of these is best or is there a different one ya'll would recommend?)

I tried to build these tanks around fish that I already have... and they are listed below. Any suggestions about removing them completely from the stock isn't what I'm looking for. On a side note, I haven't had any fin nipping issues from the Black and White Skirt Tetras.

3x Corycats
3x Swordtails
3x Black and White Skirt Tetras (1B 2W)
1x Colombian Tetra
1x Albino Bristlenose Pleco
1x Rainbow Shark
2x dwarf gourami (1m 1f)
1x Bamboo Shrimp
1x Golden Wonder Killifish


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I'll kind of touch on the ones that I know more about:

Cories dart to the top for air. Something to keep in mind with the butterfly fish.

You shouldn't have a problem with guppy population in the 55g, as there are a lot of fish to keep the population in check. But the males are much more colorful, so unless you really want the females it is just easier to have all males anyways (if you have one or two females the males will be constantly "pesky" to the ladies).

Make sure you have a few different territories on the bottom of the 55g - not sure how nicely the red tail shark will play with rams. I think with the territories going on there, it would probably be best to stick with one pleco. If everyone is doing well together you can always add another later.

Snails - you have loaches to take care of overpopulation, but if you would prefer not to deal with breeding at all stick with nerites. They don't breed in FW. I though apple and mystery snails are the same thing? And if you have a single they won't breed but with multiples they may. MTS will breed a lot. Though they can be good cleaners and are more into the gravel than a lot of the others. If you don't overfeed the tank, you won't have a ridiculous population of MTS. If you overfeed, they will be quite prolific.

May 12, 2014
I realize cories do dart, and on that note, I will watch. Some people have said cories are too fast for the ABF, but ya never know.. Will def. keep eyes on ABF and Cory interactions.

Male Guppies it is.

And the BN won't be added unless everyone is getting along (Shark will be watched, I have had issues with him bullying before but thats because he was crowded.)

And the snails aren't in with the loaches. So I will go with Nerites, and IDK if Apples and Mysteries are the same type. No MTS for me thanks!