I have seen the regular rainbows, but the Boesemani, which are the pretty ones in my estimation are 12.99 each. And I don't think any of the fish you picked are as colorful or as active as the High Fin Tetras (Serpaes), They seem to be always flitting around, where as the neons and black skirted tetras are only very active when getting fed. I have 3 bluish platies with burnt bright orange tails that are constantly in motion, but they don't "flit" around like the Serpaes. I got to say this: Do yourself a favor and DON'T make a FINAL plan until you get the tank! You will have a lot more fun, won't be embarrassed with changes, and hopefully learn a lot in the process. One other thing - if your LFS orders fish for you, find out all the extra charges up front so there are no surprises.