Stocking for my tank (Final)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I will copy it and file it in my archive with the others if you would like. lol! One thing I have always wondered about - where do you get your fish?? You come up with fish I have never seen at Petsmart, Petco, any of the private stores around here. Have you actually seen them at your store? I will admit, I always learn a lot from your stocking plans because I look up the fish. They sound kind of spendy and supposedly the Panda Garra are difficult to find, need an immaculate tank and strong water flow.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I can have my LFS order the fish for me, yes ive seen paradises and Dwarf Rainbows in my LFS. Never seen panda garras of course they only have some fish once in a while and i dont go often. Im kinda worried about the price of rainbows cause at my LFS most of the rainbows they sell are like $7 per fish and that's gonna add up with 6 rainbows. 3 at a time. However, i enjoy rainbows and i think im gonna really like them, Lets leave the Panda Garra choice open but the other 2 are locked :D


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have seen the regular rainbows, but the Boesemani, which are the pretty ones in my estimation are 12.99 each. And I don't think any of the fish you picked are as colorful or as active as the High Fin Tetras (Serpaes), They seem to be always flitting around, where as the neons and black skirted tetras are only very active when getting fed. I have 3 bluish platies with burnt bright orange tails that are constantly in motion, but they don't "flit" around like the Serpaes. I got to say this: Do yourself a favor and DON'T make a FINAL plan until you get the tank! You will have a lot more fun, won't be embarrassed with changes, and hopefully learn a lot in the process. One other thing - if your LFS orders fish for you, find out all the extra charges up front so there are no surprises.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Good idea thyra. Also, ive kinda partially decided on some Debauwi catfish. My new favorite fish, They look just like Iridescent's in my opinion but reach a may size of 3 inchs. I HAVE to have some! OMG there so awesome looking.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Now you see what I mean!! There is no point in getting "locked in" this early. Even your LFS can get different fish by the time you get a tank - just like those interesting colored platies I found at Petsmart.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Fishman, let's just face it. None of your stocking plans are ever going to be "final" as long as you're discovering new and interesting fish. You will certainly change your mind, we all know it! I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of summer this stocking plan is looking totally different.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Those Debauwi, look very much like otos - have you actually seen anything but pictures? I did finally find some and 6 of them would cost you $65 which I gather is the minimum they would ship. I am going to suggest you find some of these fish you want and observe their actual color and movement. In doing this searching, I also looked at the pictures of the Serpaes and the pictures don't do them justice. They aren't as colorful, their fins aren't as large or vivid and of course they aren't moving. Remember you complained in the past about not having an active tank. I believe most catfish are nocturnal. My otos do move around, but they don't just swim for the fun of it - they go from place to place and glue on.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Sounds like it will be very purdy! But, I know (I do it too) that there are no such things as "final" stocking plans. This would look verrrry pretty as a natural planted tank!!!!

Why don't you stop posting new threads and put allllllll your thoughts into one big journal thingy so everyone can keep track?