Stocking ideas for a 125 gallon!

Jan 16, 2011
Hey guys ~

I have Fronts, a Blue Dolphin, 2 Leleupi in my 125 gallon. I want to do a complete make over.

I think I am tired of Cichlids. I have had them for years! I am thinking of a very colorful community tank ~

I have been researching and reading until I want to spoon out my eyes. Here is my list ~

* Rummy Nose Tetras ( LOVE THEM )
* Drawf Neon Rainbow fish
* Kuli Loaches
* Zebra Dano
* Neon Rainbow fish.

Whatcha think? Anything else? Also ~ what do you think about keeping my two Leleupi with the community tank? They like the temps at 75ish, I am not sure about the community tank yet! I have to research that one more....

Here are some pictures of my tanks!


Jan 15, 2011
I love the chichlid set up, but if you are wanting a total change you could go for a heavely planted live bearer tank, guppies, mollies, swordtails. With that size of tank it would litterally be their own eco system. But I would have a hard time parting with all those well raised cichlids