Stocking ideas for my 37 gallon tank


Small Fish
Apr 17, 2011
I am in the process of changing everything around right now.

My tank is a low tech planted setup with some rock caves and driftwood.

I was wanting a pair of dwarf gourami and a pair of rams but I'm not sure what else. Corys are off the list since they like it cooler.

Any suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Make sure you are actually getting a male and female pair of dwarfs - many lfs's do not carry female dwarfs as they are much blander-looking; and two male dwarfs will likely be aggressive towards each other. Ummm, you have tons of options - what other kinds of fish do you like? Tetras? Livebearers? Bottomdwellers???


Small Fish
Apr 17, 2011
The dwarfs are part of my existing collection. I'm actually sending the pair to the honeymoon suite tank this weekend.

I currently have livebearers (platys and guppies) - donations from my friends when they heard I was getting back into aquarium keeping. They are getting out of control so I'm segregating the sexes into separate tanks and will be culling them once grown and sending a bunch to my buddies fo bala shark snacks.

My water is on the hard side (PH 7.5) - I'll be pushing the rams a bit from their comfort zone but the rams I am getting are locally bred so raised in this water.

The tank will be kept around 28C (82F).

There are less options than one would think due to the tank environment. Like I said, corys are out because of the temp but so would tetras. I was thinking maybe loaches, but they'd be rough on my plants.

Basically, I think what would round out the tank nicely would be a small schooling fish as well as a few bottom dwellers.

I really am having a hard time with this.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ever thought of doing shrimp? Bumblee bee catfish? Banjo Catfish? Kuhli Loach's? Clown Pleco? look into Debauwi catfish also, i havent ever seen any in my LFS's but i hear there cool. For a nice schooling fish, Danio's, Bleeding Heart Tetras, Rasbora's, Cherry barb's are nice (females are lighter red than Male btw and try to get only 1 male) Id personally suggest Krib's over Ram's but thats just me, i didn't like my experince with Ram's and i like Krib's better now, but to each his own :) Good luck, upload some pic's of your gouramis, id love to see them and your new tank to :)

May 8, 2011
i really love my little kuhli loach but if you get them get 2 or more i only have one because at the moment i have whitespot in the tank but after it is gone i will be getting him a friend but kuhlis are fun to watch and amazingly beautiful and they dont wreak plants :)


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
With 37g you might, maybe, possibly be able to fit some gold dojo loaches (the bigger brother to kuhli loaches) in there. I don't know if I'd suggest them with the rams, as that may end up to be a bit much for bottom crowding.