Stocking my 56G


Small Fish
Jul 27, 2012
Dimensions: 30" W x 18" D x 24" H

After many hours of studying and editing my list, I think I've finally decided on what my main fish will be:

1 Bolivian Ram
1 (?) Keyhole
1 Cockatoo (If I could ever find one)
6-8 gold barbs (for dither fish)
4-5 Marbled Loaches

I think these guys will all get along, for the most part, and will leave live plants alone (haven't decided on them, yet).

I would also like to add a few other fish, maybe some that will hang out towards the top, but not decided on what, yet (suggestions?)

Any advice?


Superstar Fish
I meant that they might be a little generous on the stocking levels. Also bear in mind I am talking about large cichlids as this is all I have ever looked at their site as this is my forte. Its just my opinion as I have used their calculator and selected different large cichlids and considered their stocking level a bit high but, I have never used it to calculate community fish so those might be closer.