stocking my new tank


New Fish
Sep 14, 2010
Hello all, i just got a new 29g tank and am fairly new to the hobby. i have read everything i can find on cycling and am working on that process now and think i am ready for the next step, deciding what to put in my tank.

i was thinking of this mix, what are thoughts opinions on all of these guys getting along together? (information was put together at AQAdvisor)

2 x Ghost Shrimp (Palaemonetes sp.)
2 x Oto (Otocinclus vittatus)
5 x X-Ray Tetra (Pristella maxillaris)
5 x Red Eye Tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae)
10 x Endler (Poecilia wingei)
5 x Black Kuhli (Pangio oblonga)

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Make sure your readings are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and over 0 nitrate. Zero nitrate means your tank is not cycled and it is not safe to add fish. Have you been using surfactant-free ammonia to cycle the tank?
I would not add any otos until your tank is established and has been running smoothly for a few months. Otos need to be fed spirulina and vegetables in addition to having a constant algae source.
Use and check to see if you are overstocked or not. is a great tool for beginners.
Also, endler's livebearers will breed like there's no tomorrow, so I suggest purchasing 10 males. Buying 10 females could be risky as most are pregnant at the store. Also, you might be overstocked with that many endler's livebearers. Check out the link above for ideas.
It sounds like you have a nice idea as to what you want to stock. Your fish will be very happy in large schools. Also, be sure to only add 2-3 fish each week in order to not overload the beneficial bacteria in your tank.


New Fish
Sep 14, 2010
it had no problem with that set up, i actually had some other things in mind such as some guppies and perhaps a shark-type fish, but it explained why those wouldn't work with my other selections

i just wanted to also get some 'real life' feedback to back up the database opinions :)


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I think the combination is good but like littletankbigworld said you should add the oto's later (when the tank is really established) and think about purchasing male Endler's instead of females.

Have you finished the cycle (if so what are your current readings for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite?) or you still currently cycling? Like littletankbigworld asked did you use surfactant-free ammonia?

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I would not add a shark to that set-up. I think you should focus on cycling the tank and slowly adding the fish you have selected for the moment.
Also, aqadvisor does not calculate the bioload of otos correctly. You could add 5 otos once the tank is established, as they will be much happier in a group.

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