stocking options for 30 gal tank?


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
would i be able to move everyone from my ten gal to it as well as add over time these fish:

common pelco * i really would like to have one*
3 black mollies
1 sword tail
and some more danios

would this all be ok in a 30 gal long tank?

if so i'd move my betta cole into a tempary tank and use his 5 gal with a filter for a QT for new fish.

if i can't get the fish above please list a few i could. please =3

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Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
i'm sure others with much more knowledgeable opinions will come along soon (god knows i don't know what i'm talking about half the time ;)), but katome, have you looked at any other kinds of plecos? rubbernoses stay small and i've seen them at petsmart, so i know they can't be too hard to find.

Dec 30, 2006
would this all be ok in a 30 gal long tank?
Yes...All fish you mentioned are compatible with each other, and will do just fine in a 30 gallon tank.

you havnt mentioned what other fishes you have and how many before adding?.... I would add only one Pleco, since they do get large.. and maybe 3 Cory fish(bottom feeders) most non-aggressive fish will be fine with these fish.

Katome556 said:
would i be able to move everyone from my ten gal to it as well as add over time these fish:

common pelco * i really would like to have one*
3 black mollies
1 sword tail
and some more danios

would this all be ok in a 30 gal long tank?

if so i'd move my betta cole into a tempary tank and use his 5 gal with a filter for a QT for new fish.

if i can't get the fish above please list a few i could. please =3
Okay we are talking:

6 Guppies
1 Leopard Danio
4 Platys
common pelco
3 black mollies
1 sword tail
and some more danios

So l would say this:
6 Guppies
4 Danios
4 Platys
A small Pl*co(NOT COMMON)

The reason no common is they get huge. People underestimate this. I suggest taking what I posted into consideration and also research some small Pl*co's. Good luck and let us know what you decide.

JoluvsGuppies said:
Yes...All fish you mentioned are compatible with each other, and will do just fine in a 30 gallon tank.

you havnt mentioned what other fishes you have and how many before adding?.... I would add only one Pleco, since they do get large.. and maybe 3 Cory fish(bottom feeders) most non-aggressive fish will be fine with these fish.
I wouldnt even add 1 pl*co. They need more than a 30g. I would say 100g minimum but others say different. Corys would work though.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
>_> i've had a bad expericence with corys when i had a ten gal when i was 10,^^' and i think they have two diffrent types of plecos at my lps, could i get a list of plecos that would be good for a 30 gal so if they have that type i can get it?

>_> also i think my aunts danio needs a group, he's been grouping with my betta and male platy lately and it's just plain scarey.

and i'd be adding pleco *if i can get one* and 3 mollies and maybe a sword tail to a QT tank with water changes every 3-5 days in my 5 gal if i do get the 30 gal, it's still in debate by my dad.Also i'll be moving this year and as soon as i do i'm going to save my money and start a DIY Tank around 50+ gallons to 100+ gallons if all goes well.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Instead of using the 5g as QT and moving the betta, why not either 1: add all the new fish to the (cycled) 30g first, thereby using that as the QT, or 2: move the fish from the 10g to the 30g and use the 10g as a QT for the new fish.

If you talk to the LFS and make sure that they will take the pleco back when he grows too big, you could do a common pleco (this also assumes you will want to return it and not be too attached). Otherwise, check out the small plecos (like rubberlip or bristlenose) and you wouldn't ever have to return it.

You should be fine in a 30g long with your list (I would get about 4-5 more danios for the school), minus the swordtail or one of the mollies. Male swordtails are good jumpers, so keep that in mind if you get one.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
I've read up on all the fish in the list above,and i have to move everyone outta the 10 Gal asap my dad says it's takeing up too much room where it is and pulling too much engery*the house's wireing is all messed up* and if i move everyone from my ten gal it won't woke as a Qt because i'm gonna be takeing all the gravel and decorations meaning it'd probly go through a mini cycle or a full new cycle would'nt it if fish were added? Also how fast would a common pelco out grow outta a 30 gal?