stocking plan

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
well, i am about to the point where i can put some fish in my tank. as i've been cycling my tank and getting it established, i've been going through some stocking options in my head. here is basically what i've got:

-pair of percula clowns
-dwarf angel (i want an eibli's or a coral beauty, maybe a lemonpeel)
-pair of firefish or pair of bangaii cardinals
-wrasse (either a six-line or small fairy)
-goby (catalina's need cold water, so i might settle with a clown or prawn)
-depending on the goby, i might do a goby/shrimp pair
-and eventually a mandarin
-also, i plan on getting 1 or 2 ornamental shrimp, probably skunks

i am open to additions, subtractions, comments, and concerns. go nuts guys. i like all the help i can get. i also plan on buying my first round this week. probably the 2 clowns, wrasse, or both. how's it sound?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
id go with:
pair of percs
pair of bangia cardinals
1 firefish
1 goby/pistol shrimp pair
1 midas blenny
pair of cleaner shrimps
id stay away from the wrasse
and ive hade bad luck with angels :( so i dont know on that one

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I have a coral beauty and had no issues with it. I was either going to go with a flame angel or the coral beauty. I think a wrasse would really liven up the tank. They are on the go most of the time. Clowns seem to be drunk 24/7, especially during the night hours. I've heard the cardinals have quite an appetite, but are excellent fish to keep. I'm also considering them. The rest sounds good.


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
This is for the 46?

Clowns - ok, I don't personally like percs, but ...
dwarf angel - good call, get a look ata decent book, or list, to see some other options, a good coral beauty can look awesome. Eibliis are a bit big, rough for Centropyge.
Firefish/bangaais - up to you, I find them a bit dull as well, but ok if you like them BUT
if you get a 6line you have a decent chance of it pounding them, s
o maybe a fairy would be safer...


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I like the fairy wrasses.......I have a pygmy angel that has outstanding colour and is out in the open all of the time.....never nips any corals and is a pretty good citizen. On the other hand I have a 6 line in my 75 and I put a new secretive wrasse and a bi-color blenny and the 6 line promptly drove the wrasse right out of the tank. I now have it residing in my 20g for now until I think of what I will do......


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well I introduced it to the 75 and the six line took after it and had it jumping out of the water.....chasing it relentlessly. So now it is in the 20g happily swimming around with about 50 or so lbs of live rock in the 20 there is lots of room to hide and pick at the rock, I am just not sure it is a good permanent home for it as most sites say the minimum size tank is 30g. We shall see.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
I think this is too many fish for a 46, These are all fairly common fish which if you like that is what matters, but if I were you in a tank like that I would sit down and look at a few books and find some more interesting fish as you should be limited in what you are keeping. Just to give you an idea in my 40 I have a pair of breeding wild caught true percs and a goby/shrimp pair...that is it for fish. I used to have an Eibliis angel and I liked it alot but it was too much for the 40, interesting fish though.

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
so i went out and bought 2 clowns, a firefish and a skunk shrimp today. they all are eating fine, and seem quite content. the clowns haven't found the calm spots in the tank yet, but seem fine in the current so far. the firefish has found a shelf to hide under, and came out when food was in the water. and after having just these 3 fish, i can see what you mean aresgod. they made my tank seem considerably smaller, even with how small the fish currently are. i think i will only add 2 more fish, probably a fairy wrasse and a little dwarf angel. leaning towards a flame, but i really like eibli's and lemonpeel and some of the not so common ones, but my dad said he will help pay for a flame, so i dont know whats gonna happen with that one. the wrasses at my lfs were lubbock's wrasses, and i liked the colors on them. i don't know much about the fairy wrasses. what are the more colorful ones?


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Im with aresgod...I would narrow it down to a few fish and focus the tank around these fish. In a reef tank balance is everything, nutrient export and import is really wont be able to achieve this or will have a harder time with that many fish.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Check out for some ideas of fairy wrasses. Some are probably hard to get, but all the fairy wrasses have approximately the same care so you can just wait till the store gets a nice looking one in.