Stocking question


Small Fish
Mar 17, 2009
I have been reading up online about stocking and have had many conflicting views come through.

I have my heart set on a community tank. My tank is 70 litres which is around 18 gallons.

I currently have 2 mollies and 2 guppies.

I am definately wanting to add more guppies and a school of neon tetras.
I have just read that mollies are waste producing machines, would I do better by returning the mollies and adding a small school of platies? I love platies and would dearly like some.
I also want 2-3 corydoras and 2 dwarf gourami.

Thoughts please?

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
I love mollies so I wouldn't recommend returning them. They're beautiful.

I'm not sure if they are waste producing machines though. I wouldn't let that discourage me.

It concerns me that you are going to add 2-3 corys and gouramis. Its my understanding those species require more space.

I've never kept corys...maybe someone else will know more......


Small Fish
Mar 17, 2009
Ok, good to know. What are suitable bottom inhabitants if the corys are too big?
I have also read it may not be enough space.
I do want to keep the mollies so I am very happy to do so.
With regards to the gouramis, I read in a few places that my tank is fine for two dwarfs. I would prefer to have more schooling fish and I am happy to leave the gouramis out, pity, they are so pretty!

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
they are so pretty especially the moonlight variety.

I wish I could help with that cory question but I have no experience with them. Personally I like the african dwarf frog as a bottom dweller and they look so cute swimming up, too. Anything you might want to add should be researched because the employees at the LFS will most likely not give you the right advice.

I think I read in another thread that you want to add a few more guppies and mollies.

I recommend doing a little more research before doing so.

Consider the adult size of the fish: for example if a guppy will reach 3" And you have 18g more than 6 will be ideal for your tank. (I'm not sure if they reach 3" or 4")
But you also have mollies which (if I remember correctly) reach 5".

The general rule as anyone would tell you is one inch of fish per gallon. You have 18 so therefore 18" of fish. Anything more would be overstock. This holds true for novices like us lol.

So just keep in mind that fish grow and I'm sure you want to avoid the death of your fish.

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Small Fish
Mar 17, 2009
Mollies really grow that big? Hectic. I was just going to add 2-3 more mollies. I would like platies, I love them!
I definately do not want to over stock. That would be a total nightmare for me. I am all about doing this correctly the first time!

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
You are on the right track!! Many people do not take the time to do the research and rely on misinformation.

They go through the process...and get ansy...only to be discouraged when it all goes awry.

I've learned patience is key...time is of the essence....and being prepared with the correct info makes for a better experience.

You are doing the right thing by asking questions and learning.

This will not be duped into making a huge mistake by those lfs employees.

Oh! and I can't remember exactly how big they grow. I've seen some big mollies but definately re-check those sizes. I'm known to over-estimate and air on the side of caution.

Good luck.

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Apr 14, 2004
Northern Michigan
Visit site
Cories get like 2-3 inches depending on the species. There are pygmy cories that stay one inch.

Most dwarf gouramis that people get are males. If you get two males they might have conflict. Dwarf gouramis are usually at adult size when you buy them. I personally don't see any reason why you can't add 1 dwarf gourami. Same with the cories.

Mollies are like 2-3 inches, guppies are around 1.5 inches, dwarf gouramis are 2 inches, cories are 2-3 inches. So 6+3+2+9 = 20. Now, there is alot of rounding with liters in the fish world in tank sizes. 40L = a 10 gallon, 70L = 20 gallon, 100L = 29 gallon, 200L = 55 gallon. I'm inclined to think you have a 20 gallon. Personally, I'd go for the dwarf gourami and the the cories.


Small Fish
Mar 17, 2009
Ok. I have been thinking hard and visited my old LFS and got some really solid advice (in my opinion) that I would like to double check.
He suggested I return the mollies and get 3 platies and 2 more guppies at the end of next week.
He then suggested adding to the platies at the end of the following week to a max of 6.
Then the week after a schoal of 6 cardinals if my water parameters are good.
Then two weeks after that 3 ablino cats.
He then finally suggested one dwarf gourami once the tank is stable for a month.