stocking questions

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
well I'm planning my 75gallon planted these past couple weeks, trying to find some good tank mates for my new opaline gourami who's sooo blue I'm just in love with his color =p He puts all the pictures of blue/opaline/3spot gouramis on the net to shame, and hes still only like 2.5" woohoo

yeah anyway... I seen these at

Im finding very little reliable info about these on my own, as my lfs doesnt carry them, do they school? top/mid/bottom dwellers? size? etc.

This is what I'm considering setting up, but I have to admit, it's based purely on the looks of the fish, and I'm prolly showing true newby-ism thinking I could possibly have a healthy tank with all these together like this... but that's why I'm asking you guys I guess =p

1 Opaline Gourami 5 - 6"
2 cobalt blue dwarf gouramis
2 blue rams
? killifish
20 or so schoolers... 1 inchers... maybe neons or something
a small pleco that suits, maybe an L106

so am I asking for it? do they require drastically different water conditions from each other? the gourami is one I have already, and he's well mannered in my 20g with fish of all shapes and sizes.

thanks =)

Oct 22, 2002
A nice small pl*co for a planted tank is a bristlenose.  They stay around 6 inches and don't eat the plants.  
I didn't think gouramis schooled that much.  How about some rummynose tetras?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I don't know about the Rainbows being mixed in there. They can get somewhat largish and be very active swimmers whereas gourmis might be disturbed by the activity, but you can try, you certainly have enough tank space.

I would say you seem to have picked out some nice fish. Especially the killies. There is a man at my aquarium society that specializes in breeding killies. From what I've gathered listening to him they are seasonal breeders, one spawn then dead for and that they don't last much longer than one to two years. But they are very beautifully colored and really undemanding as far as water chemistires/qualities are concerned. I've kept killies with gouramis before with no problems. Killies do like to school (females outnumbering males 2/1) and are a surface swimmer/feeder.

Good luck with your tank.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
If you want a pretty, easy to care for killifish, I recommend the Striped Panchax (Golden Wonder Killifish), they get about 4" long, are good communiy, fish, there pretty, live about 2-3 years, and have no drastic water conditions, I currently have mine in very soft water.. there also one of the most common killi.. here are some links if you would like to persue this particular fish! no pics, but good info Not one of the prettiest, mine are a bright yellow

Anyway, good luck, and if you get killis that breed, I'll always take a few eggs, lol


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've had the Gold Wonders in my store. Nobody else wanted to buy then, as far as I know, the six are still there. I was considering getting them myself, but I just don't have a tank to put them in. They're really pretty fish, I think the color on their fins is beautiful. Looks like oil on water the way it shimmers.