Stocking Suggestions for a 10 Gallon


Small Fish
Jan 2, 2009
Hey I scored a 10 gallon today, and I just need to get a heater and some Decor together to finish off the tank. I have 1 10 gallon with some glo-fish already but wanted some stocking suggestions for my newly acquired 10g. Thanks *thumbsups

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Got a filter? I got a smaller tank (16 gallon) and once I'm done using it as a QT tank I'm gonna put shrimp and a dwarf gourami in it.... You could definitely do the same, with less shrimp... or a small school of tetras, rasboras, or hatchets.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
dwarf frogs are fun, feeding them can be tricky though because they have poor vision and only eat from the bottom; so any fast eating fish would be a challenge to mix them with. maybe some crayfish? or some tetras + corys?

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I don't think corys would do too well in a tank that small.... Same with a crayfish.. Crays should be alone in a tank and usually need about a 20 gallon cause they can get big and mean... Corys should have a 20 gallon+ since they should be in groups.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
oh, maybe it's the ottos then that are smaller? isn't there such a thing as dwarf crays? lol guess not~ yeah I wouldn't put fish with the crays, although i think it's bluegill that has the crayfish/bluegill tanks going on and working out.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Yeah usually you are afraid of the cray easting the fish but the bluegill may eat the crays in that case so.... eh... Ottos would work, I think there are dwarf crays, I guess I was thinking about the blue crays cause they seem to be most popular in stores and look awesome.


Small Fish
Jan 2, 2009
Got a filter? I got a smaller tank (16 gallon) and once I'm done using it as a QT tank I'm gonna put shrimp and a dwarf gourami in it.... You could definitely do the same, with less shrimp...
Cool! I think that would be a nice idea. I was looking for something a little different I read up on the Gourami and that sounds like a neat fish. I do have a filter, I bought a Whisper 2-10i when I moved my tank, I used the Whisper to keep the fish in the bucket happy during the move and I haven't had any uses for it for a while, its a good filter for its price, seems to do a good job. It's brand new so it should have no issues.

The tank was in disrepair when I got it, there was dried green algae everywhere. Came with a hood and light fixture (with the original 18" bulb circa 1992) and a SecondNature Challenger 1 air pump, also a Whisper 10 Power Filter Economy but I wrote that off as a lost cause fixing that power filter it had algae all over it, and like the cheep Whispers, there was no bio-filter separate from your main filter media so changing it all in one swoop would probably not go very well. There was also an older heater, but I prefer to get a new submersible heater that I can trust. The air pump came with a diaphragm replacement which was in good shape, guess they didn't know how to put the new one in so I have a good air pump. Also came with an UGF but it was cracked and broken so I tossed that as well. A little elbow grease and some scrubbing and I can start my fish-less cycle here in a few days :) Can't wait!

Before I get the decor I was wondering what the dwarf gourami likes for their environment, it looks like lots of plants. I usually use fake ones, but I would venture into starting a planted tank, and I can also get a stronger lamp for the plants as well. Just want some recommendations for them.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
dwarf gouramis like to stay near the surface with dimmed light cause by floating and tall plants. So try and get some taller plants that reach the surface and are thick enough to block the light. Then you can get what ever other decor (rocks/wood) for what ever you plan on having occupy the bottom of the tank... shrimp or whatever.