Stocking Suggestions Please!

Mar 15, 2011
Hi folks!

I have been cycling a couple of new tanks and would love some input on stocking suggestions. I rehomed a few fishies that weren't my favorites and have fallen in love with a few others.

So I have a 26g bow, a 20g, 10g, 5g, and a 1.5g.

Here's my prospective list to be divided into the above:

2 pearl gouramis
1 honey-red gourami (currently in 26g)
4 blue rams
4 butterfly peacock cichlids
5 kuhli loaches (currently in 26g)
2 female guppies (currently in 10g)
2 yellow mollies (currently in 10g)
2 mickey mouse platys (currently in 26g)
5 zebra danios (currently in 26g)
5 neon tetras (currently in 26g)
2 albino kribensis
2 kribensis
1 upsidedown catfish (currently in 26g)

I also have a few apple snails, a few ramshorn snails and a few ghost shrimp in the 10 and 26 now.

I'd like to have cherry and yellow shrimp as well, and currently have a couple of pregnant ghost shrimp in the 1.5g planted nano.

Once our house is painted (later this spring) we will be adding a 60-80g bow, but I don't want to plan on that at the moment. I'd like for that to house some West African cichlids (I think!).

I can't wait to hear your input - things I should ditch, things I should consider?

Apr 15, 2011
Everything sounds good so far but the peacock cichlids would be to much for your other fish especially since your biggest tank is already over stocked.... So I'd wait on the bigger tank to come first


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
4 kribs, 4 rams and 4 peacocks spread through a 26g and a 20g?

i had trouble keeping 2 kribs under control in my 30g when they bred, never mind 4 in a 26..

Mar 15, 2011

I'm not set on the list as is, and this is exactly what I'm looking for. BTDT experience from you folks as far as compatability, care, etc.

I should use the proper names as I think I may be confused using what I think is the common name... The butterfly I am looking at is Anomalochromis thomasi... Not a good fit?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Well, the livebearers, danios and tetras are pretty adaptable community fish, but having multiple kribs and rams together would be problematic. I'd start with placing (virtually) the more demanding fish in your tanks and building around them. So, in a 20g, you could do a ram pair, the honey-red gourami, kuhlis and tetras, for example. And the pearl gouramis should go in the 26 as they get quite big. So put the mollies with them (they also grow large), a krib pair and the danios. And I agree on waiting for the peacock cichlids . . . .


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
Gd call laura. Krib pair or 2of same sex if you dont want to deal with aggression when the spawn. My male krib and male bolivian just hover about all over the place and no concerns about territories.