Stocking suggestions pls for existing guppy tank :)

May 30, 2011
Hey all! :)
I have a well established 50litre (11 UK gallon) tropical setup, with 7 male guppies and an albino bristlenose pleco -so all pretty small in size.
It's been setup for years but now I have more time on my hands (and our 4yr old is taking an interest in it, *thumbsups) I'm wanting to add a few more into the tank.
Any thoughts? Something that won't nip the guppies' fins and what are 'friendly' . Perhaps a 'focal point' -eg. a bigger fish - gourami/angel/siamese fighter might be nice -how compatible would 1 of these be with guppies etc?? Also thought maybe neons/zebra danios .. ?? something colourful so great to look at and of interest to my little girl....
I had some tiger barbs a few years back, had to take them back to the petshop after (literally) a few hours, cos they were so 'nippy' to the others in the tank! You learn from yr mistakes I guess!

Thanks in advance for any advice, ps - great site btw! :) xx


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Hey, welcome to the tank Susie!
Your tank seems pretty full right now. There isn't much in the way of a "focal point" you can do with male guppies- all the focal point fish you mentioned nip, plus the gourami & angel get far too big for your tank. Have you ever considered some cherry shrimp? They are bright red freshwater shrimp, very active, and very interesting. They don't sound fab when you think of it, but they're very enjoyable. All my family think shrimp are cool, and when my last amano shrimp (diff than cherries) passed on, everyone's been bugging me for more. I think your daughter might like them!
Also, check our - it is such a helpful tool!


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
I would have to agree that your tank is pretty well stocked as it is. There aren't really any solitary fidh I can think of that you could add. I've never had luck with the ones you were thinking of and guppies. Sorry.

Oct 29, 2010
Your tank sounds lovely - like it has plenty of movement! And an albino pleco can be a great centerpiece when he's out and about. He may be a bit more bold if you drop in an algae flake so that your daughter can watch him eat :D