Stocking suggestions


Large Fish
Mar 3, 2006
Ft. Worth
I currently have a planted 75 gallon with 4 Neon Tetras, 2 Tuxedo guppies, 1 golden molly, 1 chinese algae eater, 1 pleco and 3 golden mystery snails. What should I add to this tank to keep it well balanced. I've had it running for a couple months with the current fish and its been doing fine. Do I have room to add more fish? I'm primarily concerned with keeping something in the tank to clean up alot of the waste that comes off the plants and gets into the gravel as its becoming increasingly difficult to vacuum in some places where my plants are really taking off. I've been doing some reading on what I should do but i'd like to know what some people with more handson experience think.

Thanks in advance.

Do you know what kind of pleco it is? Because that will be a big factor in deciding how much room you have to spare.

If you say you have 4 inches of tetras

3 inches of guppies

2 inches of mollies

Up to 11 inches of chinese algae eater (taking into account their adult size)

And maybe over 12 inches of pleco (depending on what type and taking into account its adult size)

That comes to 28 inches of fish.

Going by the inch per gallon rule you still have about 45 inches of (adult) fish to add. So you're understocked but add fish slowly to prevend the bacteria being overloaded.

Edit: to control the plants you should trim them regularly and this will stop debri going into the water and making a mess. When kept healthy plants should actually help by taking waste out of the water. What kind of lighting do you have on this tank? Because plants require more light that some tanks provide, so if you havent taken this into acount the plants may be dying and causing more waste.

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You've got a lot of room to add more fish, but like Intravenous said, add them slowly so that you don't overload the good bacteria. I'd grab a few more neons so that they have a good size school (6+). After that, what you add is pretty much up to you, but with the neon tetras and guppies you'll want to stick with peaceful community fish.

You might look into some more active bottom feeders like cories or loaches, since they move around along the bottom and stir up some of the gunk before it really settles, which allows the filter to pick it up.


Large Fish
Mar 3, 2006
Ft. Worth
i only have a 40w light right now and i know its inefficient, i've ready 3-4 watts per gallon is acceptable but i just don't have the money now unfortunately. thanks alot for the information. I'll get some more neons tomorrow =D