Stocking Suggestions


New Fish
Dec 31, 2014
Las Vegas
37 Gallon - moderately planted with some fun hiding spots,
very hard water (Las Vegas), with 8.0 Ph,
two medium pieces of driftwood - so its kind of a light tinted tea color.

Right now I have 4 Platys, 4 Mollies, 7 RCS, 4 Nerite Snails. We are looking for something else colorful. Its been like this for almost 2 months because I cannot figure out what else is suitable for my water. I've read so many conflicting articles about fish adaptability.

Oh yea, all my livebearers are females and do not seem to be pregnant from LFS. I'm not wanting a bunch of fry. I have enough human fry to care for. LOL!!

Suggestions? Thanks all.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY

Does your local fish store carry a wide variety? I'd assume they've got the same pH as your tap water. Most fish will adapt to your pH. The main thing is you keep it constant and not try to chase it up/down with chemical additives. Keep low nitrates with your weekly water changes and that's it.

Sounds like you've got a nice live-bearer mix there, however, mine will eat shrimp and pick at big snails.

37's are ideal for angel fish. How about an angel and a pearl gourami? If you've got sand substrate, a group of corydoras would be fun. If you've got glass tops, a group of hatchets for the top is fun too.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I've had my female pearl gourami for over 2yrs now. She is a very mild mannered fish. Love her. She's in my community 55g that's got a big koi angel, 2 platys, one molly, 2 siamese algea eaters, a little guppy a couple zebra danios and a pair of famale bettas.

I would say in general, Pearls tend to be calmer, more peaceful of the gourami. Obviously you can wind up with a jerk in every batch, but unlikely with pearls.


New Fish
Dec 31, 2014
Las Vegas
I've had my female pearl gourami for over 2yrs now. She is a very mild mannered fish. Love her. She's in my community 55g that's got a big koi angel, 2 platys, one molly, 2 siamese algea eaters, a little guppy a couple zebra danios and a pair of famale bettas.

I would say in general, Pearls tend to be calmer, more peaceful of the gourami. Obviously you can wind up with a jerk in every batch, but unlikely with pearls.
Thank you so much for all the info. After reading some more, I'm on board. I think a Pearl would be just right in our tank.