Stocking tanks


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Hi all. I have the tanks listed in my signature. While the 29g isn't ready for fish yet, I'm trying to figure out what will go where so I set it up right from the beginning. At the moment I plan on putting the 2 gourami into the 29 because I think they're a bit cramped. The current cories will go as well. I thought maybe put one of the bettas into the 14T but it may be too tall for it to be comfortable. I do want to get some corydoras nana for the 14T, but aside from that I don't know. Any suggestions more than welcome :)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
first of all get more regular sized cories for the 29L. you want something around 8-9 total of them so maybe get more pandas and/or skunks, all up to you.
6-8 pygmy cories for your 14 gal will work well if youre leaning there.
how tall is the 14 gal from the top of the gravel to the water line? your betta should be ok if that height is around 18" or less.


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
I have a friend who lost one of her skunks so she's going to take that one and I want to get some cory schultzei as well as more pandas for the 29g. I was browsing and going back to some species that I had book marked and found Endlers again so I think some of those and the Betta would finish it out, unless I change my mind yet again!


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Oh I've used lots to figure out what I want where. With its help I've decided to go with:

14g (20-40 Aqua-Tech):
1 betta
6 dwarf/pygmy (which ever I can get).

29g (30-60 Aqua-Tech):
2 Dwarf Gourami
4 panda cory
4 C schultzei (black)

I can't figure out what else I want in either tank. I was considering mollies and endlers, but I don't think I want to deal with probable fry, especially without much that would take care of them for me.

My biggest problem at the moment is trying to decide what substrate to use. I have play sand in the 14g. I wanted something else that is natural looking, but I'm having trouble deciding on something that is good for corys as well, especially the dwarf/pygmy sizes.

One of the betta died overnight. I think it was dirty tank because I really screwed up my leg before Christmas and its only the last few days I've been able to consider doing a serious water change. Needless to say, I did one today (and feel it LOL) Testing and water change as needed tomorrow probably.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hey Andi:
I have three cories - don't know if they are considered dwarf or pygmy varietals though - and I have what I consider natural looking small gravel substrate (you can see it in my avatar) and the cories seem totally content.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
is your betta good with schooling fish and what color is he? i know some aren't, so i am just checking. if so and if he is blue, i would put a school of black neons or regular neons(one or the other).