Stocking weird shaped 60US Gallon!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I hope I got this in the right forum topic.
I got just got my hands on a 60 gallon tank. It's measurements are 24inx24inx24in.
I was wondering what the heck to do with it.
I thought about african cichlids but I have been down that road, thought I would try something different.
Or angels, or Discus (to expensive in canada.).
See it would have to be a fish that likes to swim vertical not horizontal.
Was wondering if you beautiful ppl here could throw some ideas my way. I won't be setting this tank up for quite awhile, about 3 to 4 weeks from now. Have to build a canopy for it. Oh and lighting is a bit of a problem since it is so deep. So plants may be outa the question.
I may be only able to get 2.5watts/gallon. But with it being so deep that rule gets thrown out the window.
Thanks again



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You could buy some massive power compacts (compact flourescents) from - you could get two 24" sets of like 65 watts each, that would bring you to a little over 2 watts. And they are bright enough to penetrate down that deep. But I also have to say, I am growing plants just fine in a deep tank with less than 2 watts per gallon, and I have a magnificent rubin sword and a huge other kind of sword.