PLanning on starting up a 25g nano tank... and I was wondering for 'fish stocking' what would be ideal.... like how many is too many..? or can a 25g nano tank have any fish in it????
before you run out and buy the catalina goby you should know they need a bit cooler temperature than most SW tropicals...they will not survive long in fully tropical environments
Hmm, I didn't want to make a new thread just to ask this
What would be a good mix for a 29g tank (it will be fully established with ~30lb of LR)?
I'm still not clear on the shrimp/crab/other stuff when it comes to stocking a SW tank. In FW terms, would a shrimp and or hermit crabs count towards the "1in per gallon" rule (I know its not the same for SW, but you know what I mean ^^)b
generally, inverts are not counted towards your bioload, that being said, most require excellent water conditions so fish stocking levels should be kept on the light side. I would say 3-4 small fish would be fine in a 30.
Cool, I was looking at Firefish, Hi Fin Red Banded Goby and Ocellaris Clownfish. I would probably go with a pair of the clowns and one of the firefish or hi fin goby (unless they are best in pairs as well).
Are there any good "nano" bottom dwelling fish? The only ones I can seem to find are bleenies.