Stoopid Pleco

I have a spotted talkin raphele and a common pleco. All freakin day long the two sit under a large peice of driftwood, eatin it i geuss. And never come out to clean the algea off the glass and rock formation anymore!!

What else could I throw in this tank to help with the cleanin? Snails maybe?

Its a 55 gallon, with three cichils in it, so what ever it is has to be big or very fast, I would like somethin differnent even if i have to get it special ordered. ANyone got any suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
sounds like your asking too much from fish that do nothing to start with.plecos aren't noted at being highly active fish and are not the algae eaters everyone makes them out to be.most plecos use they're sucker mouth to hold onto rocks in rapids and other high flow areas,not to scrape algae.raphaels are stricly noturnal feeders,and they are algae for them


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
Originally posted by kool_sk8a
how about trying a bristlenose plec. i heard they are great at cleaning algae of the glass. but they do get quite large
yeah try a bristlenose, they are one of the plecos that like to eat algae, and do a great job of it to, and they dont get quite large as sk8a said, actually being one of the smallest plecos maxing out at about 5 inches.