How well do you think my fish would do with a diffuser hooked up to an oxygen tank, and of course with my co2 injection for my plants. Propably a dumb question, but it definitely can't hurt to wonder!!!!1
Unless it's a cold water tank then it would be useless. Contrary to popular belief, the use of airstones really doesn't inject oxygen into water that is warm. Cold water on the other hand readily dissolves oxygen. This it not to say that aeration is useless - it provides good gas exchange by helping to dispell other gases.
ok, because i got a magazine that has o2 generators in it, and I was pondering on it a little bit, even though I'll never buy one because of the extremely high price, that was like well over $1300
Again - unless it is a cold water tank 40 - 60 degrees F, then not much of any O2 will dissolve. There is only a certain ammount of oxygen that can dissolve in temperatures in the 70 to 80 degree F range - and its probably already there - just from a little surface agitation that most people have from the power filter. The key is to get a constant flow of oxygen to the bacteria. That is the function of the various bio-filters out there. My filter in particular has a foam pad in it that is exposed to air for a few seconds then the water flows over it - it repeats this cycle over and over. As far as increasing the bioload capabilities just add 1-3 fish at a time. Then a mini-cycle will occur to adjust for the additional bioload.
I agree - I cannot think of any possible reason one would want to use an oxygen generator for an aquarium application - if anything it would be dangerous - pure oxygen and anything flammable (electricity) is extremely hasardous.
Contrary to popular belief adding co2 does not drive oxygen out of the water. If this was true everyone who injected co2 into their tanks would not be able to keep fish alive.