strange behavior - blue Gourami


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
My 25g tank was sitting on the floor of my apartment while I was waiting for my house to be built. When it was there, the 2 blue gouramis I have were never afraid or skittish. If I came to sit on the floor and watch them, or feed them, they would come to the front of the tank or just go about their business.

Since I moved them over to my new house this week, the aquarium is now on a stand. The 2 blue gouramis are very shy and scared. If no-one is watching, they come out and act normal, but if you even walk on the other side of the room they take off and hide behind plants/rocks. They won't come out as long as they can see you looking in the tank.

What gives? None of my other fish are acting strangely? Are they afraid of heights? Or now that they can actually see farther than the floor are they paranoid? I don't get it.