if you want anything alive in the tank, then i would suggest not putting on a blacklight. it emits light at a strong enough frequency to permanently damage cell formation and prevents proper cellular replication in smaller organisms.
my fraternity had a 200 gallon tank in our house for quite a few years and it utilized a dual actinic + 10K lighting unit. 10K would probably emit proper wavelengths for freshwater plants as it works for marine photosynthetic organisms. maybe you could try 50/50 bulbs if they come in flourescent sizes you are looking for.
ANYWAYS, we would turn that light for the fish tank on at parties and stuff and it would work quite well for a "blacklight effect" without the negative consequences. of course you won't get white objects flourescing as they would under a black light, but i think it might give it the aesthetically stimulating look that you're looking for.