Strange Kenyi activity!?!

Jun 2, 2003
St Louis
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Ok, I just found out about 2 weeks ago that my rusty cichlids breeded, and now I have about 8-10 little fry swimming about in my tank. And this evening I noticed my female Kenyi is not eating and her mouth looks a little bigger than normal. And another funny this is that her mouth will not open. Like the other fish with open and close there mouth, her's will stay in the same position. Are the Kenyi's mouth breeders? Do I have more little fry on the way again??? Please give me any kind of help!! Thank You!

Jun 2, 2003
St Louis
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Ok, now that I have some more babies on the way.... now what the hell do i do w/ them?? My tank is heavily rocked and planted and there is no way I will be able to catch them w/o ripping out everything in my tank. My tank is already pretty well stocked w/ fish too, so i dont really need anymore. I really doubt any store around here will take my fish, all the stores by me are retail stores like Petco and Petsmart, no really mom and pop places. What should I do??????


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
Egg-laying and mouthbrooding are not the same thing.

All cichlids are egg-layers, but not all are mouth-brooders. the mbuna are ALL mouth-brooders, if this clears anything up.

yes, kenyi are very easy to hybridize.....hmmm. cough BREED! :)

kenyi are notorious for their ease of breeding, as are basically all mbuna compared to other fish. the only problem is that big male kenyi are not very particular about what species they breed with....