strange lighting question

I have a 46bowfront in our dining room that is planted with about 3 different plants and several fish.

I have the hood lights on for about 11 hours a day.

My question is this. Does the rest of the room need to be totally dark during the "off-light" times? Our computer is in the same room about 8-10feet away and as you can see, I'm on it all night and I have the light on in the room as well. (Hurts your eyes just to look at a monitor with no other lights on :eek: ). It's a 5 light chandlier but I unscrew all but one which is a 60 watt bulb.

I just don't want to have an algae outbreak from having too much light, or if it's bad for the plants or fish.



Medium Fish
Sep 18, 2005
Hmm, I was wondering about this too. You want your fish to sleep as well right? I noticed that when there were surrounding lights on, even if it was pretty dim, my fish (who is now dead :-( ) would still be moving around. That obviously meant he wasn't sleeping. So I can only assume they can only sleep with total/very near total darkness.