Strange new fish


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
My husband was at WalMart yesterday and looking at the fish. He found this one particular fish that there was no information on other than that its allegedly a "community fish" there was no name, no feeding habits, no size chart, nothing! When he asked the person working in that section the guy didn't know anything about the fish (no surprise) and told my husband since it was the last one and they didn't know what it was that they couldn't sell it. So my husband being the fish friend that he is brings the damn thing home! AND PUT IT IN MY TANK! I have no idea what this fish is, it certainly does not look very pleasent and I'm afraid for my other fish. Here is a link to a picture I was able to get. I'm looking at different sites comparing pictures. Maybe one of you have this guy and can tell me about him? I plan on getting rid of him myself, selling him if possible but I would like to know just what the devil my husband has put in my tank!!


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
I agree with yahoofishkeeper,I have seen fished that looked like that called "dragon goby" and it was brackish fish.

kristalAK,he wont do to well in fresh water if he is in fact brackish so if you going to sell/save him you want to be quick. Other wise its money down the drain!!


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
Thank you for all the responses, now that I know a name for him I can start looking things up. I don't want to take the guy back to WalMart since they didn't know and didn't seem to care about him anyway. Do you think that another pet store would take him? Do I at least have a day or so to find him a home.


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
I went to PetZoo today to ask if they would be able to take him and they said no since they don't carry any of them at all. I will try Petco tomorrow, we don't have a PetSmart here in AK, and my favorite fish store The Reef is closed for remodeling. I hope something works out! I feel bad for not being able to keep him. Keep your fingers crossed for me guys!

oh that sucks... would it measure in salinity? i asked them what the salinity was and they told me 1. something. i mean they gave me the number, i just cant remember what it is, they didnt say"something". sorry if that is confusing, but aquarium salt is like sea salt without the nutrients and minerals (or whatever) right? is that why you can still measure salinity? if you take one out of aquarium salt, at a specific salinity, and put them in marine salt at the exact same salinity, would it be the same?


Large Fish
Mar 3, 2006
Ft. Worth
It will still show up on SG (Specific Gravity) which is just a measurement of the "weight" of the water because it is heavier when it has salt and other trace elements in it. Salt does not evaporate and is only altered from water changes. Aquarium salt does not have the additives that marine aquarium salt has. Marine aquarium salt has calcium, vitamins and other trace elements found in the "ocean" that are supposed to help marine growth.

For your information pure water is 1.000 SG (never encountered in nature). Seawater varies around 1.020 and "brackish" is a range of 1.005 to 1.015 so most people just shoot for 1.008 when they're trying to do brackish since it varies in nature depending on tide et cetera

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