Strange Stuff In My 10 Gal


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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The rock I have in my 10 gal is now getting this brown fuzzy stuff all over it. My fake plants are as well. The tank has been in use for over a month and all the chemical levels are great. Not quite sure what this is. It is brown, a little fuzzy and it is taking over my rock and plants. It will rub off with cleaning but it comes back. This just started a week ago. I have 6 Tetras and one ADF frog in there. Anyone ever have this?



Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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I did the regular monthly cleaning with replacing 25% of the water and cleaning the gravel, plants and rocks. I have a total of 7 in the 10 gal now won't more fish crowd the tank? They are very small fish and the frog is only 1/2 inch long, the Tetras are Neons and two of them are very small Black Phantoms.


Apr 11, 2003
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two or three ottos shoud do the trick i have one otto and i need another one. they dont seemto eat algae off of my plastic plants but you could take them out and wash them in hot water and it should come off. It seems like brown algae loves 10 gallons with there 15 watts if the light is on a half of the day.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Ok lets go back to the beginning...

What you've got in your tank is brown algae - usually a sign of higher nutrient (waste) levels and low lighting.

Here's probably the best algae info on the web - do some reading.

Brown algae:
Forms in soft brown clumpy patches. In the freshwater aquarium, these are
usually diatoms. Usually indicates a lack of light or an excess of silicates.
Increased light levels will usually make it disappear. Easily removed by
wiping the glass or siphon vacuuming the affected area.
Now - to solve the problem, increase water changes, monthly is really not adequate - Do a 50% water change every 2 weeks be sure to vacuum the gravel and clean the filter (rinse with dechlorinated water). I'd also bet your water conditions aren't quite perfect - could you get us ammonia, nitrite and nitrate numbers please?

Pleco's in a 10g is ridiculous, most will grow to at least 6" many to over 12. A reasonable solution would be Ottocinclus - but these guys are pretty fragile and will die quickly in marginal water conditions.


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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It's weird, because I keep getting brown algae and my wate is "perfect" 0 everything. I can only attribute it to the lighting problem.. I guess my lights aren't strong enough.. I simply wipe it off everytime I do a water change once every two weeks...

I have goldfish so getting an algae eater to me, doesn't seem like agreat idea and I don't want to overpopulate my tank....

Jul 15, 2003
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Ottos will definately take care of this problem. I had it everywhere (glass, rocks, plants, filter intakes), and within a few days of adding the ottos, all of it was gone. I have never heard that bottom feeders (like cories) will eat this brown algae, but they are definately a worthy addition to your aquarium.

Jul 25, 2003
San Diego, Ca
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It's weird, because I keep getting brown algae and my wate is "perfect" 0 everything. I can only attribute it to the lighting problem.. I guess my lights aren't strong enough.. I simply wipe it off everytime I do a water change once every two weeks...
Well, brown can also live on other nutrients, not just ammonia. Examples are phosphates.

I had brown algae when I had my tank newly set up, but its almost gone now since I changed my ligthing and added loads more plants.

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Also, I've read that it's a good idea to have one bottom-feeder for every 10 gallons of water. It's supposed to help keep a 'sparkling fresh tank'.

And if you don't want to have to deal with having to find a new home for a Pl*co that will eventually grow out of a smaller tank, get snails. Snails are kinda cool!