Strange Yellow "Caterpillar"?

Mar 14, 2007
Hey all,

I recently made the mistake of stopping my filter-cleaning mid-way thru, and chose to leave the "object guard" (with all the slits in it) off of the filter. I'd assumed that, when the filter was still running, it would just suck up big objects and either spit them back out or get clogged trying to (which didn't really matter, because I was going to fully clean it in the next day or two). Well, when I returned to my room a couple days later, 5 of my tetras and a guppy had been sucked into/killed by the filter. The same day, I also see what looks like a yellow "caterpillar" hanging onto a leaf or stem or something and just waving around like it's looking for something to grab onto or eat. It couldn't have been more than 1-2cm's big, but I don't even know where it came from or how long it's been there. I've never seen anything like it and I think I'm fairly observant when I watch the aquarium... I also haven't added anything new (like plants) to the tank for several weeks, at the earliest. One strange thing I did notice was 2 clusters of little eggs on the tank walls over the last week or so. Along with the appearance of this caterpillar, one of the clusters of 4 eggs is now gone. I've got some Corys, had 7 tetras, and regularly-spawning guppies (which I thought were live-bearers). Where did this "caterpillar" come from? What is it? Is it related to those eggs?

Thanks for any help in advance... I'm very perplexed :confused:
