Stressed Out Fish


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
I changed the gravel in my tank. I did 1/2 of it about 2 weeks ago and the other 1/2 last night
with all the stuff flying around ok not really I vacuumed gravel really well before removing but stuff still gets kicked up.

Anyways I probably threw tank into mini cycle and now one fish is stressed and the others have bounced back he is hangin by heater with nose in upwards position he looks fine visably but just came to eat once tonight and he had a hard time swimming over to get food.

I added aquarium salt not as much as box said cause not sure if cory's hande it well and raised the temp a bit
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0

should I add melafix?

He does look slightly bloated at his belly

argh I swear when I think I know what I am doing this happens and reminds me I really don't

any hope for this fish, its an agelfish btw


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I doubt you have a mini cycle. Doing it the way you did in an established tank shouldn't cause one. Not to mention your readings are all 0.

Angels can just get spooked by such a change. It's only been a day and in a lot of cases that isn't enough time.

I'm not sure about him being sick with bloat. If you really think he looks swollen in the belly area he may be. If it is a young on this is VERY common just from them eating way too much. They can be little pigs. Keep an eye on him If he worsens take action with medication.

Salt isn't good for the Angel or the Cories. They are both SA fish and as such are from waters containing little to no salt at all.