Stunning Fish


Small Fish
Jul 30, 2010
hi after only ever posting help requests i'm now a lot more happy and secure with my set up and would like to thank everyone who helped me during my long noobish stage of keeping fish.

I have however just acquired what i consider great fish.... Odessa Barbs really stunning looking fish..... any others that anyone thinks are just as stunning if not better?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am kind of stuck on Serpaes (Long Fin Red Tetra Minors) They shoal and are very active and colorful also. As they grow not only do they get more colorful, but their black fins get a little white fringe and they have been very hardy fish.


Superstar Fish
I like the long fin community fish as well. I have thought about turning my 150G into a community tank. I have a couple locals that keep bugging me to sell my Jack Dempsey's to them, this would free my 150G up. I have done cichlids for about the last two decades, it might be time for change.