stupid fish question

Dec 5, 2002
Nacogdoches, TX
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OK, I know this is probably a stupid question to most but here goes (and please hold laughter to a minimum). I have a 55gal tank in my living room which is also the place where my extremely large and loud stereo system is. My question is this...when I crank my stereo is it in anyway harming my fish. I mean if it's loud enough to put a thump in the floor is the bass creating any kind of vibration in the tank that is harmful?*DRUMMER*
I don't want to hurt them but I can't live without my rock and roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Told you it was stupid but when a picture fell off the wall cause of the music i started wondering, hmmmmm...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If your stero system is thumping the floor, your fish are hearing it as well. Sound vibrations travel better and faster through water than through air, so whatever you feel as vibration though the soles of your feet, your fish are hearing it three times as loud!

This constant vibration is probably disturbing the fish. Observe their behavior. When you put your stero up to peak listening volume, do the fish act differently? Do they hide, do they spaz out, do they seem dazed and confused?

You're gonna laugh that this, but stick your head in the tank. Listen to what the room sounds like underwater, and that is what your fish are experiencing. Fish have two organ systems that pick up vibration, their hearing sense, and their lateral line sense. The lateral line is a series of minute bristles in mucus filled pits that run along the sides of the body (you can see it as that "line" on the side of your fish that curves mid-line on the body just below the spine, starts from behind the gill operculum and ands at the base of the tail). The lat-line is primarily used to sense the presence of others and for orientation. This organ would be especially sensitive to disturbing vibrations.