Substrate question.


Large Fish
Apr 22, 2009
I have a 10 gallon tank and im want to plant it a little bit.
i couldnt find any small bags of it. they all come in like
35 dollar bags. and i dont really have that much money
to spend.
i was wondering if i could use play sand, root tablets,
plant food, and fertilizer to plant some hairgrass. that is
withouth the substrate in the bottom.

do you guys think it would work?

im planning on using 2 15W bulbs.

Jun 21, 2008
The substrate is whatever is on the bottom of the tank, even if it's just playsand. For whether or not playsand will work with hairgrass or not, I would reference your previous threads asking about that. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "plant food", but I think that it's the same thing as fertilizer.