Substrate question

May 4, 2011
Decided on Tahitian Moon Sand for my 40 gal, for corys/guppys so far. I read it should only be 1-1.5 in because of the gas being trapped, that level would not accumulate as bad. So far as plants maybe amazon sword with java ferns or moss if I can find something. My depth is just under 1 in, if I add a second bag it will be over 1.5 almost 2, is this level ok? I mean I have seen some bare bottom tanks but is about 1 in ok for just fish? I can add more later if I need to right?


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I do not have any experience with tahatian moon sand so cannot comment about it or the buildup of gas.

I have raised several amazon swords. I have found that swords and most rooted plants do well for me with deeper substrate. I now tend to at least 3 inches of substrate and have tiered a few tanks with 5 inches or more. The plants roots will go deep into the substrate.

A general observation to me is that there seems to be about as much root structure as there is free plant structure. I have had plants do fine in shallow substrate, but the roots are often very tightly packed when the tank is broken down.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Sand can be as deep as you want it to be as long as you have something stiring it up, whether that be you with your hands every few weeks, fish that like to move the dirt around, or (my favorite option) snails that burrow.

I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that rooted plants do their best in gravel because fish waste will reach the roots easier.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I prefer gravel over sand for rooted plants. I will sift sand and discard the very fine material. The sand I have used is common construction grade so it is not expensive to sift it and keep only the coarser grains. Tihatian moon sand sounds expensive so it may be worth a try to use it the way it is. Let us know how it works out.

PS. I am still having a lot of trouble using the forum. I had to refresh several times to get to the last post on this thread.