substrate questions

Nov 25, 2010
what kind of substrate should I use for a planted community tank? harmful is it to just up and change the entire substrate in a tank...say from gravel to sand...all at once?


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I think it depends on the plants. I've heard of certain plants anchoring differently in different substrates, due to the gaps in the rocks.

Another thing I hear, but don't know too much about is that nutrients will more readily fall into the gaps in gravel, while they won't in sand. Don't take my word as gospel, but look into it for yourself.

Just remember that as much as you gravel vac you're going to stir up extra junk when you remove the gravel. One option I've heard of is to just add sand to the top.

I'm someone more experienced will come along and set me straight.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I have sand, but I keep my root-feeding Amazon swords in small pots filled with old gravel. I planned on putting root tabs into the pots, but the plants are doing great the way they are, and they even have some roots coming out the the pots and into the sand. My banana plant also loves the sand it seems. I haven't had any trouble growing anything in my sand.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
A problem you may encounter with changing all your substrate at once is you will lose the beneficial bacteria living in it. You'll want to keep your existing filter media, plants and decor the same, so that the bacteria on them can keep your tank's cycle going. You may even want to keep some of your old substrate in a mesh bag (pantyhose works well) and pop that on top of the new substrate for a few days. Make sure you have test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to monitor for any resulting mini-cycle . . . .

Nov 25, 2010
okay so got my first plants today...hopefully for my shell dwelling cichlid tank...a red wendtII and a lutea....lady told me they are I need to take them out of the pots they r in?

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
Depends on what is in the pots...Usually it is packed with fertilizer which if left alone will spike your ammonia. I have sand in one tank and my plants are doing very well. For heavy root feeders like swords, I do use root tabs. I also have a tank with Flourite, but it has only been up and running for about a month, so I can't really say if it makes as difference.