
Feb 5, 2009
Ok I think I am finally figuring this out. So, for my 55 gallon aquarium, I am going to get 30 pounds of flourite for the bottom layer and then about another 30 pounds of sand for the top layer.

I am going to plant Wisteria, Anacharis, Bacopa, and Amazon Sword in the sand. Then after buying driftwood and rocks, I am going to plant Java Fern, Java Moss, and Anubias on them.

I don't think I want to get a CO2 system, but I am going to get some plant supplements. I'm pretty sure I am going to use the Seachem Flourish Plant Supplements and root tabs. I need enough carbon, iron, and potassium.

For lighting, I need about 2 watts per gallon, which would land me about 110 watts for my 55 gallon.

Is all of this correct? Are there any other suggestions?

Feb 9, 2009
It has been my observation that the slow growing Java fern/moss and Anubias fare poorly in a tank with the extremely highly nutrient competitive Anacharis and Wisteria.
If you plant the slower competitors first and give them a head start, maybe that might work.